New Year New Logo!

The New Year is the traditional time for a little shake & spruce up. Much as we will never stop loving our original logo, with the vacant cell and its open door - wrought with the help of Utah Saints' Lee Dyson - we are now rolling out a new, crisp logo, with less frenetic detail, more clean coronets.

So if you have a piece with the original in it, cherish that and sign up quick as you like for a new one!

The photograph below is used with the kind permission of Mr Bailey wot took it. No, not THAT Bailey, rather ALFRED B, photographer and one time, he won't mind me saying, sewer for Gianni Versace. He has, therefore, a well honed sensibility when it comes to things beautiful and we are delighted that he asked us to create him a velvet jacket. The lining will be printed with a ciné camera as he is also a master of the moving image. His current project is singer and Bedlam client Gregory Porter, on whom he is making a documentary. We may even make a mumbling appearance.